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 Beijing Museum of Natural History (BMNH) was funded in 1951 and is one of the largest natural history museums in China. As other world famous natural history museums, BMNH has three main functions, i.e. collection, research and exhibition. It opens to the public daily and very popular inChina


 Besides the permanent exhibitions in the building, BMNH possesses of some travelling exhibitions. The exhibition of DINOSAURS FROM CHINA is one of them. This exhibition has been invited abroad many times and was warmly welcome. In 1986, for example, this exhibition was held there for only 17 days, but it attracted more than 60,000 visitors to come.


 In 1991 and 1992, this exhibition went toSeoul,Koreafor twice and hundreds of thousands people came to the exhibition.


 This exhibition stayed in Goteborg,Swedenfor 8 months,  and got 420,000 visitors, 80 per cent of the whole population ofGoteborg.


 Then, the exhibition was moved toHelsinkiand was displayed there for 6 months. It attracted 200,000 people to visit.


 The exhibition was also exhibited inMalaysiafor a year, in Hong Kong for 6 months and got 800,000 visitors altogether.


 From July 2002 to early 2004, the dinosaur exhibition traveled withinAustraliaandNew Zealandand was very popular there.

 图为2007年,荷兰,马斯特里赫特 (Maastricht, Netherlands, 2007)


