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The 31st Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition Presents the Prizes, Eight Projects Winning the Discovery about Nature & Life Award Set by BMNH


The 31st Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition (BYSCC) was formally inaugurated on March 25, 2011. As in the previous Competitions, Beijing Museum of Natural History set up the Discovery about Nature & Life Award. Assessed by experts of different relevant fields invited by BMNH, eight projects proved particularly outstanding and won prizes. Among others, Guan Ruicheng, a student from Beijing No. 11 Middle School, with his project The Functional Features of Endothelium Tapetum and Haustorium in the Development of Germ and Endosperm of Plantago, won the first prize and was presented the Certificate for first prize of Discovery about Nature & Life Award and a bonus of 5,000 RMB yuan. 

On March 27, Deputy Director Li Jianwen of BMNH attended the BYSCC Award Announcing Evening Party and presented the prizes and bonuses to the winning teams and individuals. The following is a picture of Ms. Li Jianwen with some of the prize recipients.


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